After the original dev rugged us, the community stepped up to rebuild and grow the project.
Telegram was established as the main communication hub, allowing members to share ideas and
Social media accounts were secured on platforms such as Telegram, X, Reddit, TikTok, and
Instagram to enhance visibility and engagement.
These platforms serve as key channels for updates and community interactions.
The initiative has attracted early interest from savvy investors, reflecting confidence in
the community-led approach.
This interest is crucial for the project's growth and long-term success.
Telegram Bots: Enhanced security and advanced features integrated.
Domain & Website: Secured domain and deployed website for broader access.
Media Development: Initial graphics and videos created for branding purposes.
DexScreener & DEXTools: Updated to reflect community maintained social media.
Social Media Raids: Coordinated social media campaigns to boost project awareness.
Developed a Telegram bot to alert our community about projects that appear to have been
This helps us grow our community by allowing us to connect with members of recently rugged
projects and introduce them to UDEGEN while they're still engaged.
Community Wallet: Established to fund burns, marketing, and other initiatives.
Token Verification: Verified on Jupiter DEX to enhance credibility and trust.
Listing on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap to enhance visibility and attract more holders.
Additional listings on platforms like CryptoCompare to further increase reach.
Organize raid leader competitions and media design challenges to keep the community active.
Perform token burns to ensure a healthy value for the token using funds from the community
Engage with our community to gather insights and shape the future direction of $UDEGEN.
Develop tools like Telegram bots and website features to enhance user experience and
Secure listings on centralized exchanges to increase accessibility and drive growth.
Expand paid advertising and influencer campaigns to reach a wider audience.